God’s Glory and the Body of Christ

“Sing to the Lord, bless his name; tell of his salvation from day to day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples!” –Psalm 96:2-3 At the beginning of this month, I went with a team to visit some workers that live amongst unreached people groups. It was a unique … Continued


I’ll bet you’ve never given much thought to tumbleweeds. If you’re from the Southwest, like I am, then you’ve likely seen many. Or, perhaps, they bring to mind images of old western movies. But, the other day I heard an analogy about tumbleweeds that struck me as so profound. You see, a tumbleweed is just … Continued

FAQ: Why do some people not see the gospel as good news?

I’m terrible at receiving criticism. In school, I hated reading teachers’ comments on my papers, quickly shoving returned work to the back of a binder before I could bring myself to look at it later. I suspect few of my coaches would have described me as “coachable,” and to this day, I have to fight … Continued

God Within Us: Spiritual Gifts

Now that summer is here, there are several things you can bank on: the weather will get hot, the lake will be crowded, and there will be lots of new movies coming out at the theater. Now, I enjoy going to the movies anytime, and especially if it’s a super-hero movie or anything where someone has … Continued

Kingdom Lifestyle: Forgiving Others

In our familiarity with the Lord’s Prayer, we can easily pass over the fact that in praying for forgiveness, we ask that we would be forgiven “as we also have forgiven our debtors.” After the prayer, it is this phrase and this phrase only that Jesus takes the time to elaborate on. In Matthew 6:14-15, … Continued

We Believe: Forgiveness of Sin

As we work through our series called, “We Believe,” it is vitally important that we not just profess what we believe but that we also actually believe it. It is important that we not just make assertions like, “We believe in the forgiveness of sin,” but that we also know why in fact this is … Continued

We Believe: God the Father

“So, what exactly is it that you guys believe?” That was the question one of the teenagers in our youth group asked me several years back on a trip to San Antonio. Most of the students in our group had grown up around church, but this girl had come as a guest, and it was … Continued

The Weeding of Our Souls

My grandmother had a green thumb. As a child, I remember her South Georgia porch being filled with a rainbow of fragrant flowers. As an adult, I have often wondered why I didn’t inherit her ability to grow plants. I have tried to keep plants alive but with little success, until this year. My neighbor … Continued