Reaching adults age 55+ in the Gainesville area to encourage them to grow in the Lord and to challenge them to serve the Lord with all of their heart, mind, soul and strength.


What makes someone a member of the Senior Adult ministry?

Who is a Senior Adult?

Lakewood’s Senior Adults are a group of folks age 55+ that love Christ, listen to and pray for one another, love and serve God’s church, and have a lot of fun and fellowship together!


Senior Adult Pastor


What inspires you?
Watching a sunset from atop a mountain that I have just strained to climb.

What do you love about Lakewood?
I love the fact that no one is building their own ministry kingdom. We’re all in this together and we genuinely love and care for each other. We like to hang out together!

What is your claim to fame?
Swam in the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans in the same afternoon, and led Heritage Academy to their first Girls Basketball State Champion as coach.

What is your favorite quote?
” ‘I wish it need not have happened in my time.’ said Frodo. “So do I,’ said Gandalf, ‘And so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.’ ”
-J.R.R. Tolkien-


Monthly Meeting and Potluck

Monthly Fellowship Meeting

We gather monthly at our Senior Adult Fellowship Meeting (formerly known as the Golden Nugget Luncheon) typically held on the 4th Tuesday at Noon in the Fellowship Hall. Each month we enjoy a covered dish meal, an informative or inspirational program, and always a lot of laughter. There are some occasions when we meet at a restaurant, at the Retreat or have special guests for our luncheon. Our next Senior Adult Luncheon will be January 28.