Planting churches through the local church.
What is COR 3:6?
COR 3:6 is a network that partners with other Christian, evangelical, gospel-centered, and missional church planters to plant new churches and to revitalize dying churches locally, nationally, and globally for the sake of Jesus Christ, through the unity and power of the Holy Spirit, and to the glory of God the Father.
Click below to see a list of our COR 3:6 Church Planters.
Why Church Planting?
We believe that local churches are the God-given means to make disciples of Jesus Christ. When Jesus commissioned his followers to go and make disciples, he also commanded them to be baptized (Matt. 28:18-20). As the rest of the New Testament shows, baptism is the entrance into the community of faith, the church (Acts 2:41-47). When the first disciples heard the call of Christ to make disciples, they responded by planting churches. Following the command of Lord Jesus and the example of the New Testament, we plant churches to make disciples.
How to Get Involved
If you are interested in serving in the ministry of COR 3:6 or would like to know more, click the link below to contact us.
Apply for Support
COR 3:6 partners with church plants across North America. If you’re a church planter and interested in partnering with us, we would love to hear from you,
COR 3:6 Podcast
Hosts, Dr. Benji Lavender and Andrew Beccue interview COR 3:6 church planters. Learn more about how God is working in our different church plants.