Study: Deuteronomy – Precept Bible Study
When: Thursdays, 9:30-11:30am, Jan. 16—Mar. 6
Where: Lakewood, Room 133
Facilitated By: Lisa Anderkin
Cost: $20
Childcare: Please email Emily Lavender if childcare is needed.
Moses led the people faithfully for forty years. They are now ready to enter the land of promise, and through Moses God tells His children how to live in that land. Discover what God expects of believers and how we should live as His children in the world today.
Know God deeply and live differently as we study His Word together. Come join us and invite a friend!

Jesus and Women
**We apologize but this study has been postponed till a later semester. Please check back after the winter semester to see the re-scheduled date.**
Study: Jesus and Women by Kristi McLelland
When: Thursdays, 9:30-11:30am, Jan. 9—Feb. 27
Where: Lakewood, Rm. 120
Facilitated by: Dawn Smith
Cost: $20
Childcare: Please email Emily Lavender if childcare is needed.
Take heart, daughter.
Matthew 9:22
This encouragement from the lips of Jesus surely comforted a hurting woman’s soul thousands of years ago. And it offers a similar gospel hope to you today too. Kristi McLelland takes you back to Jesus’ first-century world, explaining the historical and cultural climate of His day to help you know Him more dearly. This 8-week study is a thoughtful look at several of Jesus’ interactions with women in the Bible that will fuel your worship of the Living God.

The Resolution For Women
Book: The Resolution for Women, New Revised Edition by Priscilla Shirer
When: Tuesdays, 6-7pm, Jan. 14-Feb. 4
Where: Lakewood Theological Library
Cost: $10
Facilitator: Angela Megaw
A typical activity in the new year is to make resolutions. To be resolute is to be purposeful, determined, and unwavering. You are invited to join a group of women who are learning to be purposeful in impacting others and intentional about charting the pathway of their lives in the direction of God’s promises.
Week One: Introduction
Week Two: This is who I am
Week Three: This is what I have
Week Four: This is what matters to me

Get Your Life Back
Book: Get Your Life Back by John Eldredge
Wednesday’s Lunch Hour: Jan. 15-Mar. 5, 11:30-12:30pm at City Park Pizza, Gainesville
Wednesday Evenings: Jan. 8-Mar. 5, 6:15-7:45pm at Lakewood Fellowship Hall
Cost: $10
Facilitator: Jessica Hart
Childcare: Childcare will be available for the Wednesday evening group only through regular Wednesday night programming.
We live in soul-scorching times. The mad pace of life, the number of demands on our time and energy, and the overwhelming torrent of information coming at us 24-7 have left us all ragged, wrung-out, and emptied. This isn’t the life we want, but how do we get off the roller coaster?
Join us for this book discussion group and receive a practical, simple, and refreshing guide to taking your life back. God wants to strengthen and renew your soul, and Jesus longs to give you more of himself. The world may be harsh, but God is gentle; he knows what your daily life is like. Together, let’s put ourselves in places that allow us to receive his help. Your soul will thank you for it.

Praying with Purpose
Women are invited to gather to make a prayer Bible by marking passages of Scripture for intentional prayer throughout the year. Just bring a Bible you would like to use and we will provide the rest.
When: January 27, 10-11:30am or
Where: Lakewood, Morning – Cove 3
Evening – Fellowship Hall
Cost: No Cost
Childcare: Please email Emily Lavender if childcare is needed.

Refuge is an event for Women to gather together for fellowship and worship.
Save the date! Our next Refuge will be Friday, April 25, 2025. Check back later for more details.
“But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.”
Psalm 5:11