Why Worship?

As a Worship Ministry, we get asked questions all the time about why we do the things we do on Sunday mornings. In this VLOG (i.e. video blog), Zak McQueen and I answer some of those questions: Why gather? Why pray? Why sing? Why read scripture? Produced by Kim Nichols

FAQ Poll

This summer, Lakewood will be delivering a sermon series called, “FAQ,” in which we will address some of your frequently asked questions about God, the Christian faith, how to live like Jesus, and more. But, we need your input! So, we’ve created an online poll for you to vote on your favorite questions that you’d like to hear us talk about this … Continued

Dr. Smiley’s Prayer in D.C.

Our Senior Pastor, Dr. Tom Smiley, recently visited Washington D.C. to deliver a prayer Open Congress. To learn more about his visit, you can visit Dr. Smiley’s blog and read his post about his experience. The following is the Congressional Prayer he delivered on March 22, 2017: In the Name that is above every name, In the Name … Continued

Kingdom Lifestyle: Worry

The wisdom of Yoda insists: Do or do not, there is no try. But, what if instead of trying or doing we spent more time at being? More time settling into who we are, what we are, where we are, when we are. I find myself exerting so much of my energy and time in changing myself and my surroundings. … Continued

We Believe: Resurrection & Everlasting Life

“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God … Continued

We Believe: Mystery of Faith

“So when they had come together, they asked him, “Lord, is this the time when you will restore the kingdom to Israel?” He replied, “It is not for you to know the times or periods that the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon … Continued

OCC 2016 Update

Each year, Lakewood is a Drop-Off location for Operation Christmas Child (OCC). This year we collected, packed, loaded, prayed over and shipped 20,898 shoeboxes. That translates to 20,898 children all over the world receiving a Christmas gift and hearing about the original Christmas gift: Jesus Christ. Of these boxes, 1,100 came from members of Lakewood. Highlights of the week include: … Continued

Advent 2016: Wonderful Counselor

Oh the wonder Of the mystery of Christ Oh the wonder God, in You we live and breathe Advent Song by Micah Risinger There are pivotal moments in movies where the plot can either take a turn for the worse or the better. These heart-pounding seconds—where everything is up in the air—are often underscored with … Continued

Mantreat: Leading Young Men to be Wise Men

Finally, I am in the wild. The wind blows, bringing the scent of fall in anticipation for the dormant winter. I start walking up a hill listening to all of the activity surrounding me. Young men are up on the mountain learning how to properly care and fire guns. A few shots ring out as they hit … Continued

Lake Baptism 2016

Thanks to everyone that joined us at the recent Lake Baptism!  For those who weren’t able to make it, here is a slideshow of photos from the event

Encounter Jesus

Prayer. Liturgy. Worship. Justice. How do these practices and concepts of the Christian life all fit together? In this special video version of the Lakewood Blog, Micah Risinger and Zak McQueen have a brief dialogue about this and what to expect at the upcoming Night of Worship called, “Encounter Jesus.” The Night of Worship will … Continued

Pool Baptism 2016

Thanks to everyone that joined us at the recent Pool Baptism! For those who weren’t able to make it, here is a slideshow of photos from the event: In case you missed it on Sunday, here is a recap video of the event: Video by Kim Nichols

Live Like Jesus

By Micah Risinger The following poem was written and delivered by Micah Risinger (Worship Associate) last Sunday during his sermon on 1 Peter 4. It is entitled, “Live Like Jesus.” It’s not a life of glamour and pomp, of fame and fortune, of health and wealth, of power and prestige. No, it’s rather a life … Continued

Criticism: Constructive or Destructive?

By Gray Cole If you share your hopes, dreams and passions with the world, you are opening yourself to criticism. Hopefully, some criticism will be constructive and provide the refinement you need, but some will be destructive, if not hateful, in nature. You will be criticized, but you will also be given the opportunity to … Continued

A Holy Kiss and Open Table

By Micah Risinger “Greet one another with a holy kiss.” Ever wondered why Paul advocates for the “holy kiss” four times in his epistles? Roman society, with its social-status structure, required that people only exchange kisses with peers (i.e. people of the same class). This is not all that different from how we, in our … Continued

Work of the People

By Micah Risinger It’s not the same wheel Being dressed all anew Or igniting a match After another so soon Nor shiny-like novelties Wrapped in a bow Or marketing attempts At an “authentic” show It’s more like a well-trodden path From the past A votive pray’r candle With light meant to last A storeroom with … Continued