
I’ll bet you’ve never given much thought to tumbleweeds. If you’re from the Southwest, like I am, then you’ve likely seen many. Or, perhaps, they bring to mind images of old western movies. But, the other day I heard an analogy about tumbleweeds that struck me as so profound. You see, a tumbleweed is just … Continued

NT18 Scriptures: Alex Gailey

This week Alex Gailey (COR 3:6 Resident) shares one of his favorite New Testament scripture passages with us: Galatians 6:17.  Produced by Kim Nichols

God Within Us: Fruit of the Spirit

What is the first thing you do when you are grocery shopping for something new? Do you look at the price? Do you look at the nutritional facts? Or do you look at the label or wrapper it is in? It’s amazing how much money companies spend to tell you what their product is without … Continued

Kingdom Lifestyle: Worry

The wisdom of Yoda insists: Do or do not, there is no try. But, what if instead of trying or doing we spent more time at being? More time settling into who we are, what we are, where we are, when we are. I find myself exerting so much of my energy and time in changing myself and my surroundings. … Continued

Mantreat: Leading Young Men to be Wise Men

Finally, I am in the wild. The wind blows, bringing the scent of fall in anticipation for the dormant winter. I start walking up a hill listening to all of the activity surrounding me. Young men are up on the mountain learning how to properly care and fire guns. A few shots ring out as they hit … Continued

Keys To Freedom

The keys to your freedom will often be the keys to someone else’s freedom. “It was for freedom that Christ set us free, therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery” (Galatians 5:1). Through the years, my wife, Dawn, and I have been amazed as we’ve shared our personal … Continued

The Weeding of Our Souls

My grandmother had a green thumb. As a child, I remember her South Georgia porch being filled with a rainbow of fragrant flowers. As an adult, I have often wondered why I didn’t inherit her ability to grow plants. I have tried to keep plants alive but with little success, until this year. My neighbor … Continued

Depression is Not a Sin

In the Christian community, the following questions are often pondered: How should a Christian deal with depression? What does the Bible say about depression? Should a Christian ever be depressed? How can a Christian overcome depression?