Standing in the Gap: The Power of Prayer in Our Kids’ Lives

As parents, we can do a lot for our children—feeding them, guiding them, and teaching them. But there are things we simply can’t do for them, like giving them a heart for God or transforming their lives. That’s where prayer comes in. By praying scripture over our kids, we invite God to work in their hearts in ways we never could. When we stand in the gap for them in prayer, we are trusting God to do what only He can.

OT19 | NT Connection (October 12)

NT Connect: Luke 1:26-33 Weekly Reading: 2 Samuel 7-12 Covenant with David This week began with David feeling pretty good about life. God had brought him from being a lowly shepherd boy to the king of the nation of Israel. With God’s help, David had defeated his enemies. Last week, we read that David brought … Continued