God Within Us: Spiritual Gifts

Now that summer is here, there are several things you can bank on: the weather will get hot, the lake will be crowded, and there will be lots of new movies coming out at the theater. Now, I enjoy going to the movies anytime, and especially if it’s a super-hero movie or anything where someone has … Continued

Live with the End in Mind

“It’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.” Really? Growing up as a child of the 80’s, I remember listening to that song by R.E.M. (on my cassette tape!) and even singing along with the few lines I remembered. However, I don’t think I ever really thought much about the … Continued

Depression is Not a Sin

In the Christian community, the following questions are often pondered: How should a Christian deal with depression? What does the Bible say about depression? Should a Christian ever be depressed? How can a Christian overcome depression?