By Beth Everett
A few weeks ago, I was able to get away for about 24 hours and hear Lysa TerKeurst speak at a conference. You know it’s time to do something for renewal when you get to the point of not being able to process even your daily-life, normal stuff! So, I was fortunate to slip away not knowing what I was going to hear to be renewed. God always surprises me with what I didn’t know I needed to hear.
I heard Lysa TerKeurst speak about 2 Chronicles 20:3. Not a common passage but one that has resonated with me ever since. “Alarmed, Jehoshaphat resolved to inquire of the Lord.” Some background is in order here. Jehoshaphat was the king at the time and there were several armies coming against him and his people. When he found out about this he became alarmed. What he decided to do next changed the course of the events, his heart and the people around him.
And then he prayed.
Are you alarmed about anything right now? Fears, uncertainty, not sure where the money will come from, not sure how to help a family member, not sure how to make that relationship better?
God gives us much in His Word about seeking Him for wisdom, acknowledging Him humbly in prayer so that our hearts are aligned with His purposes. We can then ask for His power to be displayed in a situation and for Him to bring His Will to Earth.
Through seeking Him in prayer, He wants us to find the freedom that Jesus came to give us (Galatians 5:1). Freedom from fear, freedom from having to be in control, freedom from thinking we have to figure it all out ourselves.
There are things that we are capable of doing on our own, but if we want to see God move in ways that only He can and accomplish things outside of our capabilities, then we must seek Him–not to just get what we want or what we think is right for a certain situation but to bring His Will to this Earth, a place that so desperately needs Him and His purposes.
So what are some of the things we can do to resolve to inquire of Him?
Let’s look at Ephesians 6. This passage talks about putting on the Truth in order to stand firm against the schemes of the enemy. It actually says to stand firm three times in the passage. That sounds a lot like being resolved doesn’t it? When alarmed, we should resolve to inquire of the Lord. Seek His Truth, take up your shield of faith, equip yourself with the Word of God, and then do what? Figure it out yourself? Worry over it? NO, it says to then pray.
Actively put on the full armor of God and then pray.
Where are your thoughts lately? Are they resolved to be focused on Truth or on the lies of the enemy? Are you recognizing God’s power and looking to Him or trying to force your agenda into a situation?
Romans 12:2 tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Renew your mind with Truth over and over again until the Truth comes more quickly to mind than the lies. I know for myself that I can get stuck in a pattern of being resolved to just stay stuck in the lies of the enemy and my own junk rather than living free in Truth.
Sometimes we need someone to help us get unstuck to help us see what has been hard to see for so long. Sometimes we need someone interceding for us so that we have the courage to take a step toward freedom. That’s where James 5 comes into the picture.
James 5:16 says that when we bring things that we struggle with into the light and pray for one another that healing can begin.
Let’s be the intercessors that God wants us to be for our community, our church, our own homes. Let’s get before Him on our knees and inquire of His wisdom first and then be obedient to what He has told us to do.
Try it this week. Try turning off all the other sources of advice, news and wisdom that you seek and inquire of Him. What will He tell you to do? Well, it will always line up with His Word and His character.
If you need someone to pray for you and with you or just someone to process this with, reach out and find a trusted Christian friend, someone that will give wise, Godly counsel and start a new conversation.
I heard this song by Casting Crowns on the radio the other day and the lyrics just jumped out at me. I hope they speak Truth to you as well.
I was chasing healing when I’d been made well
I was fighting battles when You conquered hell
Living free but from a prison cell
Lord, I lay it down today
So I’ll stop living off of how I feel
And start standing on Your truth revealed
Jesus is my strength, my shield
And He will never fail me
No more chains, I’ve been set free
No more fighting battles You’ve won for me
Now in Christ, I stand complete