Series: Wisdom for Waiting
Back to Sermon ArchiveWisdom 2020: Wisdom for Waiting – The Steadfast Lord
Dr. Tyler Smiley
Sunday, December 20, 2020
Psalm 89
In 2020, we have been learning about biblical wisdom together as a church family. We conclude this year long series with an Advent wisdom series. This week, Senior Pastor Dr. Tyler Smiley spoke about how Psalm 89 calls us to sing God’s praises, speak God’s promises, and see God’s anointed one.
Wisdom 2020: Wisdom for Waiting – God Dwells With Us
Dr. John Morrison
Sunday, December 13, 2020
Psalm 84
In 2020, we have been learning about biblical wisdom together as a church family. We conclude this year long series with an Advent wisdom series. This week, Pastor of Theological Training Dr. John Morrison spoke about how God desires to dwell with us from Psalm 84.
Wisdom 2020: Wisdom for Waiting – The Path Through the Great Waters
Dr. Tyler Smiley
Sunday, December 06, 2020
Psalm 77
In 2020, we have been learning about biblical wisdom together as a church family. Associate Senior Pastor Dr. Tyler Smiley concludes this year long series with an Advent wisdom series. This week, Dr. Tyler spoke about the wisdom of seeking, remembering and following God from Psalm 77.
Wisdom 2020: Wisdom for Waiting – My Portion Forever
Dr. Tyler Smiley
Sunday, November 29, 2020
Psalm 73
In 2020, we have been learning about biblical wisdom together as a church family. Associate Senior Pastor Dr. Tyler Smiley concludes this year long series with an Advent wisdom series. This week, Dr. Tyler spoke about the wisdom of transforming our doubts and aligning our desires from Psalm 73.