We wrap up our current ministry year having had some big successes. In addition to our ongoing 52-week-a-year ministry, we enjoyed a very significant VBS, Kid’s Camp, DNOW weekend, Marriage Enrichment Ministry, women’s mission trip to Guatemala, Joy Ministry, Middle School, High School and Gather summer retreats and camps. In addition, I believe we had one of the greatest years of celebration during this past Easter season.
Please attend the Annual Business Conference on July 28 after Real Life and hear more about this year.
New Mission Budget:
We will consider in the conference a recommendation to move our Local, National and Global Mission support to 30% of budget receipts. Wow, what a blessing — 30%! Praise Jesus for a faithful, generous people.
Expansion Project:
We are almost ready to “roll out the dozers.” Plans are being finalized, pricing is being collected and soon we will see construction begin. This additional ministry space for nursery babies, preschoolers and children/youth is going to be a big shot in the arm. We need this space and I believe we will see it full. We continue to have great response from first time financial supports and additional financial supporters from our ministry. We are hopeful to meet our $2.5 million dollar goal within this new year. Presently we have nearly $2.1 million gifts in cash and I am confident the remainder will arrive just in time via pledge commitments and new gifts.
Ministry Staff News:
We have exciting news regarding our ministry staff. As with every growing organization, there is always healthy staff adjustments.
We are blessed to have dedicated and capable staff serving in the Lakewood Ministry. While we are saddened when some leave for rest, reassignment or to pursue other life goals but we are grateful for who God leads here to serve.
Recently, long-time Senior Pastor Administrative Assistant, Amy Leonard, resigned to stay home with her new baby. We welcome Sarah Williams.
Drew Lee, Ministry Center Pastor, has resigned to take a new ministry position in Lexington, Kentucky. We pray the best for him and Amberly. Drew was an excellent first director of our Recreation Ministry. Welcome Andrew Hartfield, Recreation Associate, who will serve under Don Ormsbee’s supervision.
Shannon O’Carroll, Girls’ Minister in our Student Ministry, resigned to pursue her master’s degree and is marrying our own, Jackson Ormsbee. We welcome MaryBeth Bailey.
In our Children’s Ministry there is lots to celebrate and be excited about.
Terri Smiley will be resigning from her part-time children’s position and we welcome Carrie Hargrove who will come on board. Terri has served faithfully for years as key Administrative Assistant in our Children’s Ministry and we are happy she will have more time with the “Grands”. She will continue to volunteer in Kid’s Cove.
Kristen Pruitt is stepping down as our JOY Ministry Coordinator to be more available to her own children in the upcoming, and very busy, middle and high school years. Kristen was a most outstanding first Joy Ministry Coordinator. We are pleased she will stay connected as a volunteer to our Joy Ministry. We welcome Christine Paul who has served for several years as her assistant and will assume the role of coordinator.
Lisa Fletcher is leaving us as the Sunday Cool Cove 3 Coordinator to devote more weekend time to her full-time job and her family. We welcome Heather Godwin as she joins our Sunday Cool team as a new coordinator.
Christa Gaudinier is NOT leaving Kid’s Cove, but is transiting to be a full-time Kids Ministry Staff Team Member. She will assume additional responsibilities related to Adoption and Foster Care Ministry.
Bill Risinger will retire from full-time Worship Ministry and continue on as part-time in on our Worship Ministry Staff, serving the Crosspoint Venue. We welcome Zak McQueen who will move into the Worship Pastor leadership role. Bill has Prepared Zak for this new assignment.
Well then, there you go — we are BLESSED!
See you Sunday,
Dr. Tom