The Reality of the Resurrection & The Hope of the Nations

“He is risen, he is risen, indeed!” When are you most used to saying this? Easter, right? It makes sense. Easter is, of course, when Jesus was raised from the dead; so, on Easter, we celebrate with this kind of call and response proclamation. But do you know what is really awesome? The fact that … Continued


The resurrection of Christ is the central point of Christianity. Jesus’ life, death and resurrection were all for you. Regarding the resurrection of Jesus, we don’t celebrate his resurrection just on Easter Sunday. We celebrate his resurrection every time we worship. Every time we use our gifts and passions for God. In your mind, perhaps, … Continued

Holy Week

This week, Christians around the world celebrate the days leading up to the death, burial and ultimately resurrection of Jesus. Lakewood is no exception! We began the week celebrating the triumphal entry of King Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. On Monday through Wednesday, Bill Risinger is leading a Holy Week Bible study at noon. Make … Continued